Space: The Final Frontier

voyager1_launchI have to admit I’ve been a space buff since I was a young lad and men first landed on the moon. Voyager I was first launched in 1977 to explore the solar system and universe. It’s complete with 8-track tapes and discs that carry a bunch of info for future life forms to find, including sounds of a baby crying and music from Mozart and Chuck Berry. Of course we all remember the first “Star Trek” movie when mythical Voyager VI (initially known as “V’ger”) was intercepted and reprogrammed, threatening the universe. V’ger I did send us some awesome pics of Saturn and Jupiter.

Now Voyager I at last has left the solar system and is now in “interstellar space” (the space between stars). Scientists pretty much have no idea what will happen next. They think it has enough power to send us images for about the next dozen years. The computer on board is 1/40,000 as powerful as your iPhone. V-I has already recorded some sounds of deep space, check them out here:

All our talk of the SEC, the US economy, private offerings of securities and even Judge Judy clearly pale compared to the vastness and pure awesomeness of the rest of the universe. Apparently V-I won’t find another star for about 40,000 years. But it’s still really cool.


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