James Gandolfini Estate To Pay $30 Million in Taxes


According to the ABA Journal, a well-known estate lawyer who has seen the will of famed actor James Gandolfini has concluded that the $70 million estate will likely pay over $30 million in estate taxes to the government. The lawyer called the will a “nightmare from a tax standpoint.” Gandolfini left 20% of the estate to his wife and the rest to his sisters and daughter. The part that goes to his wife is not subject to tax. But then 80% of the estate is, hence the big tax bill.

There are also several trusts, one for his wife and another for an older son. It’s not clear what was put in those. The estate will likely still receive tons of royalties in the future from the Sopranos and possibly other projects and films the actor was involved with, but it’s not clear if that goes into the estate or the trusts he set up.

It was certainly sad to hear of the death of such an amazing talent. The Sopranos ran for six seasons and captivated America with its portrayal of the everyday lives of mobsters. His Tony Soprano became simply iconic, killing one day and blubbering to his psychiatrist the next. Since then (and before) he performed on stage and elsewhere to enthused crowds. He will certainly be greatly missed.

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