Entrepreneur Tip of the Week: Turning It Off

Technology is a wonderful thing. Smart phones are a wonderful thing. Being able to call, text, email, or even Skype almost anyone at any time is truly a wonder. Unfortunately, with that said, smart phones can be a huge distraction from work. Whether you are using your phone to play a game, to post a picture, or even to check your work email, hearing that little vibration or ring tone of an iPhone can make it hard to focus on the task you have at hand. So, several years ago, I did something that changed my life. I turned my phone on silent. Not vibrate – silent. My phone does not even light up when I receive a text message or an email.

Because of this, I can put all my energy into what I am doing when I am doing it. If I am at work, I am that much more focused on the document or contract I am reading because I am not worried about responding to messages that I will get to soon. When I am enjoying downtime, whether I am at the gym in the morning or spending time with my son, I can be fully in the moment and enjoy that time. With that said, I check for texts and emails often. As a service provider it is key to be responsive to my clients, and any that you ask I’m sure will let you know that I pride myself and our team on our accessibility and response time. But it is equally important to my clients that I can focus on their projects without unnecessary interruption.

By giving yourself this break, you will not only improve your personal well being but also improve the efficiency of your work. When you are relaxed, your work improves.

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