#Entrepreneur Tip of the Week: Look Inward When Hiring

best boss














When you hire in an entrepreneurial company, you are ultimately building a family. This is a huge responsibility, as it affects the type of work environment you will have. Looking inward to decide what type of manager you are is important in this process. Are you a micromanager or a macromanager? Do you focus on the details or on the big picture? Are you looking for a close or distant relationship with employees? Be honest with yourself, and you will get the right hires.

Looking inward will not only benefit you but also your employees. You’re choosing the employees that would work best with your management style.  If you are more of a micromanager and value the close relationship with employees, it would be best to stay away from strong, independent folks who will most likely resist you. As a macromanager (better to be one as an entrepreneur), you see the big picture and are less concerned with your control over employees. You would want to try to hire people who can take charge with minimal supervision.

You’ll find that once you define your identity as an entrepreneur as well as your expectations for your business and employees, it is much more likely to pay off. Looking inward has a large outward effect!

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