Change: Good


Many people like the comfort of their routine. You pretty much know what the next day and the next day are going to bring. Same bed, same pillows, predictable work, same people around you. But some find dissatisfaction in the routine, so they embrace change. Leaving their comfort zone. And change can have that capacity. To re-energize. To awaken. To challenge. To prioritize. To create new types of life experience in the very short span we have on the planet.

Someone very close to me is going through a major life change as we speak. One that is both sad, scary and exciting. And challenging. Same pillows but new bed. Work to keep the person busy. Combination of both new and old people around. This person is resolute and determined and has tremendous support from caring friends and family.

Me: let’s make sure to cram all that we can into life that stimulates, interests, excites, motivates and challenges us. And as we embrace change also do all we can to honor our responsibilities to, and treasure relationships with our family whether actual, extended or chosen.

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