I am thrilled to announce I will be joining the international law firm of Duane Morris (www.duanemorris.com) as a corporate partner in their NYC office as of July 14. This over 700-attorney (and growing) firm is extremely well-known in the middle market transactional world and...

A pretty bold experiment indeed. A ragtag group of rebels fought against the greatest Empire in the history of our tiny orb and were successful. The idea: let's combine a bunch of smaller places with a central government but local control as much as possible....

Our lives are busy. Work, work, work. And now a federally mandated long weekend to spend with family and friends. Play, play, barbecue, play. But I hope we will all take some time this weekend to remember the reason we take this extra time every...

It's not often that Passover and Easter are so close to each other and both over the same weekend. Putting aside the various religious implications, both are positive and happy celebrations and portend the renewal of Spring. For my friends in, say LA, Miami, etc.,...

Wikipedia says a "listicle" is a "short-form of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but fleshed out with sufficient copy to be published as an article." Wiki also says that some suggest that it sounds a lot like "popsicle," which is appropriate...

Smoking was cool. Even after the Surgeon General said it is clearly deadly and causes cancer, etc. in 1964, it was still cool. At least back in the 70s and even some of the 80s. Why? Who knows. It was grown up. It seemed sophisticated....

I actually started working on this back on Father's Day but looking over old drafts pulled it out!  Never too late to talk about the incredible adventure that is dadhood. The dice do roll for every set of parents choosing to have a child, adopt...

I like to say that there are certain life events so special that when you add them all up, you can count them on one hand. I was thrilled to have one of those moments last week at a very special family event. And despite...

Five of the last seven US Presidents. Bill Gates. Oprah. Babe Ruth. Einstein. Darwin. Paul McCartney. Prince William. Napoleon. DaVinci. Marie Curie. Artistotle. Jimi Hendrix. Actors from Dick Van Dyke to Kermit the Frog. John McEnroe and Monica Seles. Four of the 5 designers of...

We all know the stories. Zuckerberg, Gates, Jobs, Dell, all geniuses who dropped out of college and become happy billionaires (but are they really happy?). What did they miss? Something important? Would more courses in philosophy or anthropology or psychology have improved their ability to...