We on Wall Street like to think we do important things. Some say it's just moving money from one pocket to another. Others say we are helping finance the next cancer cure or solution to climate change or game-changing new technology. But in the end...

So much to consider with the passing of nearly 117-year old Susannah Mushatt Jones here in New York City the other day. There's now only one person documented alive who was born before 1900 (Ms. Jones was born in 1899). Though blind in recent years she...

We lag behind the world. Pearson says the US is 14th in the world in "cognitive skills and educational attainment." And we are ranked second in ignorance about social issues (only Italy is worse). This is not news. But today two interesting tidbits that could restart the...

As the chill of winter at last subsides here in the Northeast we change the clocks, sunset is later, and smiles slowly return to our faces. It is the season of renewal, love, blossoming, rooftop bars and yes for some final exams, hay fever and the...

They date back to the Roman Empire and originally referred to stones in the innovative Roman road system letting you know each mile that passed back when a few miles' travel per day was an achievement. Over the years, however, the term "milestone" has also...

Many of us are very lucky. We have our health, loving family, great friends, challenging career. But we also all have stuff. Stuff life throws us. Too often we forget to take for granted the good and dwell too much on those things we cannot...

Gotta love Hallmark and marketing people. Those who push Mother's, Father's, Valentine's, Grandparents', Sweetest's, Boss's,  Clergy Appreciation, Ferris Wheel and Administrative Assistant's Day have another friend. A guy who runs something called the American Lawyers Public Image Association (ALPIA) is declaring that today is the 15th annual National...

I've worked in Manhattan pretty much my entire law career. But I only began living here a year ago this week. I had no idea how much more there was to enjoy and appreciate in the Big Apple when you both live and work here....

They built our country. They helped businesses large and small grow and succeed. At times they fought valiant battles to be protected against all-powerful oligopolies and at other times criticized for alleged corruption and misalignment of interests with their employers. Maybe Labor Day, just a...

To my faithful blogees: as you know I very rarely self-promote here, whether shamelessly or not. But I'm extremely excited about my new affiliation with the 700-attorney international law firm of Duane Morris LLP. The firm's reputation spans many decades and has strongly and steadily...