I have to admit I've been a space buff since I was a young lad and men first landed on the moon. Voyager I was first launched in 1977 to explore the solar system and universe. It's complete with 8-track tapes and discs that carry...

This past Wednesday, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which decides on what accounting rules should apply to public and private companies, announced that they are looking at easing the reporting requirements for "development stage" companies. They are working on a draft that should be...

It just came over the wires that social media company Twitter has filed a registration statement with the SEC to go public in an IPO. They told the world about it, of course, in a tweet. What's interesting is that the company, with over 200...

                  Believe it or not, it was five years ago this week that Lehman Brothers, then one of the largest Wall Street houses, fell apart. In the week or two after the largest bankruptcy filing ever ($600 billion in assets) on September 15, 2008, tremendous fear...

If you work with folks who look to advise companies considering going public, it is of course important to ensure that they have good experience in doing so. Therefore, I believe two simple questions have to be asked of anyone you might bring on board...

We now commence diving into details of questions to ask potential advisors looking to take a company public. One of the most important threshold questions is: Can we benefit long-term from being a public company, and if so why is it preferable to remaining private? Is...

                      The ABA Journal reports that more and more law firms, and employers generally, are hiring folks part-time. The story notes that 80% of the almost 1 million jobs created in 2013 were part-time. Supposedly around 20% of those workers want full-time work. New lawyers who find...

Clients considering going public in the small and microcap world often encounter consultants, public shell brokers and investment banks eager to advise them on the process. Sometimes clients meet them as a result of being cold-called, in other cases solid references make the connection. Clients ask...

There comes a point in your career where you are just plain bored with what you do. The days when you would jump out of bed in the morning, ready to face the challenges ahead, are gone. I’m sure you’ve all experienced this, and you’ve...