Spring Ahead!

As the chill of winter at last subsides here in the Northeast we change the clocks, sunset is later, and smiles slowly return to our faces. It is the season of renewal, love, blossoming, rooftop bars and yes for some final exams, hay fever and the end of ski season. But I go with the positive as with all things.

I met a reporter for a major business magazine at a conference a few weeks ago. He asked the people around him, “What’s the title of your poem?” “What poem?” said we. “The poem about your life right now.” I posted the same question on Facebook. One person said, “Held hostage by the dog.” Another said, “Impending doom pending.” Another: “The long and winding road.” So what’s yours?

I thought about mine, having just completed a major personal milestone. First, I thought my title might be “What now?” Then I thought, “Onward and upward.” “The New Chapter.” “In Progress.” Then, as March 22 and the clock change hit, it hit me. “Spring Ahead.”

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