See You at the Growth Capital Expo!


Our law firm is a proud sponsor of next week’s Growth Capital Expo at Caesar’s Palace in the City of Lost Wages. We somewhat prophetically months ago planned for me to moderate a panel discussion on Regulation A+, clearly divining that the final rules would be released only two weeks before the conference! Seriously, we are very lucky that this has been planned all along, and we are actively organizing a very exciting discussion with OTC Markets head Cromwell Coulson, investment banker Jim Riggs and attorney Sam Guzik joining me for the discussion.

In just the few weeks since the announcement of the new rules, there has been a dramatic level of interest in moving ahead with new Reg A+ offerings. Of course this is great! I truly believe that this will be a game changer for smaller company finance, and the marketplace is beginning to understand this.

One thing that remains uncertain: how the SEC staff examiners will treat these filings in terms of the review process. In the past they were notoriously difficult in giving significant comments to Reg A filings. With the new regime now in place having a goal to streamline the IPO process, one hopes the examiners will be encouraged to apply that attitude to their review and do their best to limit comments to those that are truly material to an investor. But we are off and running for sure…if you will be at the conference let me know!

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