Moving Money vs. The Ultimate Sacrifice

We on Wall Street like to think we do important things. Some say it’s just moving money from one pocket to another. Others say we are helping finance the next cancer cure or solution to climate change or game-changing new technology. But in the end it all pales as against the life of the ordinary soldier. They are literally risking their lives daily to protect us and our way of life.

I’ve never talked about this publicly before, but during the Vietnam War I was scared to death about being drafted. I ultimately would have served if called, but there were many nightmares before the war ended when I was just 15. Some talked about moving to Canada, my orthopedist (and Army vet) father even offered to break my shoulder if necessary. As important as the calling is to serve, remember there was overwhelming and significant opposition to that conflict.

But today, please take a few minutes, maybe a toast at your barbecue (probably indoors sadly here in NY) not only to those who have bravely given their lives or faced injury for all of us, but for all the men and women who have helped and continue to help keep us the strongest and greatest nation on Earth.

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