Fake Law Firm Websites Trying to Scam Consumers


Real lawyers take enough heat. What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start. Why did the shark choose not to eat the lawyer? Professional courtesy. And on and on. We are used to it. Well now it turns out, at least in Scotland, there is a trend for bad guys to set up fake web sites pretending to be law firms with the hope, apparently, of getting private information or maybe even money from unsuspecting “clients.”

The ABA Journal tells us that these fake sites take real lawyer profiles from the Web, make a small change or two (like the first name) and claim they are the “lawyers” on their fake site. As if folks didn’t have enough to worry about in finding a lawyer! The advice of course: double check on the bar association’s web site or state registry to make sure the lawyer you think you are hiring really exists and is in good standing with the Bar.

So if you come upon a site with a handsome looking fellow claiming to be an attorney whose name is Favid Deldman, check the dude out! Seriously, always be cautious whenever hiring a lawyer, handing over funds, etc. Ask for references from happy clients and really check them out. As with any professional, whether medical or otherwise, be your own advocate in your relationship and don’t hesitate to question anything of concern.


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